More pictures! Juluka, AtomAmeise crank it up and work their way on the livery front. Juluka completed work on Fabio Leimer’s car. AtomAmeise worked his way through the liveries of Trident Racing and Cram Competition and also started corresponding helmet liveries.
IFM 2009 : More liveries
While Andy and erale continue their detail modelling work on the car: such as rims and lods, our painters are busy working on liveries. Due to the normals issue, this work has been on hold for a little while and is back on track now. Dennis ‘mediocre’ Schmidt is working on JD Motorsport.
Meanwhile, we welcome our new member Patrik ‘AtomAmeise’ Bartnik, who also worked on the LMT DTM mods. His first textures for CTDP are the various liveries of Cram Competition and Trident Racing.
First IFM 2009 ingame shots
You’ve waited long enough, today we’ll show you the first ingame pictures of the IFM 2009 in rFactor 2. The car was already in the game for some time but as we mentioned in the “Mirror, Mirror” post we had to deal with some normal issues first. In the last few days we brought our new tire textures by erale ingame and also replaced the bolts that were previously painted on the liveries with texture planes. The advantage of this solution is a much more detailed texture.
The livery on the car is one of the Jenzer Motorsport cars driven by Pal Varhaug and was painted by juluka.
There is still much work to do but we’re on track. Stay tuned for more ingame pictures in the near future and some making-of tutorials.
Mirror, Mirror
Why there haven't been ingame shots of the IFM model
During the development of the IFM mod for rFactor2 we stumbled upon a problem that looked like some messed up normals on a few places of the car. So we looked again at the car and its normals. Re-smoothened them over and over again and still got this nasty normals on the car. We were clueless what could cause the problem. Then we noticed that those normal issues only appeared on one half of the car and together with the fact, that we didn't have this issue with the unmapped model we came to the conclusion, that something on our mapping has to cause these normals issues.
CTDP maps its cars differently to most or all(?) other modders out there. For the 2006 mod there were three textures: one for the top of the car, one for the right and one for the left side of the car. Right and left had exactly the same mapping which has the following reason: While painting the design of a car you don't have to adjust it for the opposing side of the car. You just copy it over and mirror the sponsor logos and save memory as both drivers share the same textures. Ingame everyhting looks like it should and it saved our painters a lot of time.
We did the same style we used for 2006 with 1994. Just for IFM we experimented with a slightly different approach. We now have 2 instead of 3 textures for the car. Left and right aren't seperated textures anymore. They're both distributed over these 2 textures. But still one side is mirrored for easier painting so that our painters just have to move their design up/down and mirror the sponsor logos.
Continue reading Mirror, MirrorIFM 2009 : Revised helmet model
Today we want to present you the helmet model of our IFM 2009 mod. It was originally created by Eugenio Faria and was part of our F1 2006 Mod as well as the F1 2007 BMW F1 car we created for ISI as an add on for rFactor 1.
So this helmet has quite a history. Back then in 2006/2007 it was top notch quality. But for our current project we revised the model to bring it up to our current quality standards. The result can be seen below. We will post another blogpost with an interactive comparison as soon as (CTDP)Dahie is back from his well deserved holiday.
IFM 2009 : First liveries
In this blogpost we will show you some progress we made on the liveries. James and Dennis did a great job on the Jenzer and JD designs. As the liveries aren’t exactly the same like in Formula One most teams share at least a basic design. They also had to recreate most sponsor logos from hand as in IFM a lot of rather unknown companies were involved.
Also most of 3D work is finished. We’re currently making some minor tweaks here and there and are working on the LOD objects. So stay tuned for more IFM news in the near future.
Williams 1994 model WIP
As promised, today, we present another new model for the F1-1994 mod. Radu Teo continued his work on the 1994 Williams and created many new previews of the nearly finished model. Infact he overdid it and the model is even a bit too detailed and we will see if he gets an angry letter or how we incorporate his details. 8) Enjoy!
Inside F1 1994: Measuring Williams pt2
In continuation to our first post about the new williams model, here are some more overlay shots of the finished Williams model on pictures.
Tomorrow we will post many – absurdly many WIP shots of this Williams model. Stay tuned.
Modern F1
There is a very simple reason, why we don’t do modern F1 mods.
IFM 2009: Before and after…
We introduced you briefly to our International Formula Master mod for rFactor2. As we mentioned the model was originally build in 2009 and we'd like to show you a comparison with of the original model with the one we will use in the mod.
In these shots you can spot the differences between the two models. One of them was made in the year 2009 and features the 2008 spec of the car. The other was overhauled 2012 and features the 2009 spec of the car. The differences in the spec include a pretty big fin on the engine cover, new endplates for the rear wing and brake ducts on the front and rear. Other adjustments were fixing normal issues on the whole car and updating the modeled joint lines on the body to CTDP standards we developed during our F1 1994 modeling.