New Website

Haha, totally unannounced, that’s the way!

This is an example where 2 months of planning are better then 2 weeks of actual work. It took long to find the right CMS. The website is made with the Typolight-CMS. Great thiing! I’d also say thanks to Aprilliaracer for some help the sometime demotivating repeatativ tasks.

Now what is this webblog. Short how it works. We post work in progress stuff and you rip it to pieces and tell us what you think. Every tiny mistake we make. Like with the webpage. First homework, write me what you think or where you may have found mistakes. 🙂

Have fun


This blog shows very topical progress. Stuff that is being worked on at the moment. This is not ment for publicity, artwork or promotion, but for letting you get a critical insight into our work.

Please, don’t post material from this blog in news or galleries like on rFactorCentral. For more information about this blog, read About.