There were some technical difficulties with the RaceCast, so it’s delaying for about an hour. New start in 35 minutes at 7pm gmt. The page of the coverage at PSRTV is getting quite a load obviously and got a MySQL-failure, we hope they fix this soon, may happen any minute.
In the meantime, my colleagues and I are already warming up for the interview. I bet it’ll be fun.
We are also in the chat, although we won’t be chatting simultanously: This takes alot of attention.
Update 19:11 gmt: Qualifying 1 just started, however I heard the video is not yet up. They are working on it.
Update 19 36 gmt: Either the load on the server is alot higher than anticipated or an DDOS-attack is running on the server. Ian is rotating to get it working.
Definetely a wrong desicion.The server seems down at the moment and lags horribly most of the time.Unviewable.
Well, trying something new doesn’t always work out. It’s not the end of the day yet.
5 minutes to go
Dahie? Can you something yourself? Just wondering, no attack 😉
You’re right Dahie, and it’s not your fault, it show us the audience you catch when you are good at work 🙂
I hope that the replay race will be available on the Internet, because it is impossible to see.
So i just got home, did i miss all or is the server problems still being solved?
no sound, no video(((
It’s George W Bush’s fault!! He ruined the Internets.
I don’t try, for once I don’t need to see it, and second I don’t have to be just another one to increase the load. And third, which I should cover some other time, I’m down with a cold and should be in bed.
Perhaps if you planed to release the mod tonight you schould do it now so we will be playing the mod even before you started the race or better said the streaming works.
They are mentioning something about “ISP under attack” on prosim site.
haha, internets, like there is two of them, I like it being called the interweb, everyone visit my blag, sorry, this is totaly offtopic, but I’m nearing insanity
correction “ISP appears to be under attack”
Either way just goes to show the interest there is in this mod, good and bad.
Well, I have sound on the link someone posted here but no image.
working now!!! 7 laps in
got it running now.
lap 7 and Renault from “i dont know who” is in P1
Is B Spoljaric in the Renault P1 🙂
Shaun is P2, yeah defend CTDP’s honor!
I have a problem. i am hearing the commentators but i dont see anything 🙁
working now really good wow there is so many lockups they forgot to adjust their brake bias 🙂
these commentators little over enthusiastic
but mod sounds and looks amazing 🙂
I can just watch it fine… Open in windows media player
I think the commentary is great as it honest and done by people who are enthusiastic about what they do.
Btw, mod looks awesome 😀
are they smoking? 😀
The best thing that CTDP should do is cancel the event at the very least the soonest possible.Whats the point of a live event when 80% of the users cant watch it?It would be more fair to call it a private race and noone would complain about it.As for the dos attacks..these are just ridiculous claimings imo.
Seems to work fine at the moment.
Lol that tire xD
Safety car and Redbull is out, the guys have their race, even though this is just liveticker
LOLlllllll the tire is just bouncing all over the track
I have image atm
Hope there are no marshalls near that bouncing wheel.
jajaja great action over there, Safety car has been deployed because the Michelin Tyre is bouncing and bouncing and bouncing,, great!!!!!
wow, the lockups are crazy,lol. those tires wont last a whole fuel stint…..: )
but anyway my wmp is playing flawlessly….that redbull driver hit wall
He surely could have made it back to pit if he went a bit slower?
Lol safety car with headlights on 😎
Wow… they’re weaving enthusiastically off the track! 😆
Nice safetycar with good sound
wow the safety car is amazing….lol the onboard safety car drivers head is bouncing like he is listening to music
Nice Schumacher SC restart 😉
I can’t stand this long list, can we continue here? 😀
really alot of action on the track great race.