MMG’s Bahrain Track by SteveB
Right now we want to give a small statemant to the community. On 31/03/08 MMG’s Bahrain Track was released and we took a closer look at it because in the first release of the trackpack we already found lots of our stuff in the track.
With the new release of the trackpack, we again found things identical to ours:
These pictures proof us right. Nobody can ignore that at least buildings are used from our Bahrain and on the videowalls our CTDP2005 mod videos are running.
To sort out this issue we contacted Yanden as MMG’s “CEO” and to Phil as MMG’s Webmaster. We also talked to F1Racer and showed him this “issue”. Nothing happened. Then we talked to Phil on MSN and resend the mail so he knows everything now. He said he will talk to SteveB about that.
Yesterday I re-asked him the third time to remove the download until this issue is sorted out. I don’t want to publish the whole chatlog, but to summarize it, he said he won’t take it offline. This sounds interesting cause they accuse F1RFT of using their work. Looks like a double moral standard here..
We talked to Ralph Hummerich,too and he never gave any permission to convert this track,too. So everybody can draw his own conclusion but here is CTDP’s stand on the whole issue. We’re not very happy about that. We would have prefered a more internal solution for this “issue”.
There is nothing more to say from our side, we just want to present the facts.