Steering wheel survey

During the physics development we came to a point where we’d wonder what steering wheels the rF2 users are using. Probably most of us already have a steering wheel with an adjustable steering range up to 900°.

But are there still people out there that have a non-adjustable wheel like the good old Logitech Momo Force? Those wheels have a rather small steering range of around 270°. We would need to create some sort of fallback for these users as with the intended steering lock they would get a wrong steering ratio and thus not the intended feeling while steering.

To check if your wheel is adjustable just go into the device settings page and check if there is a slider or something to adjust the steering range. To measure your wheels lock you can turn your wheel to one side till it stops. If it’s upside-down then that would be 180°. Double that and you’ll get your steering lock.

So tell us what kind of wheel you’re using. You don’t have to be registered to vote. Also feel free to add a comment with more detailed information if you like.


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