10 thoughts on “CTDP 2006 TV Style WIP”

  1. Very, very nice! Everything looks perfect. Wow the car is astonishing! But I really wish you would tweak a little on the Schuberth-shape… It’s the airintake on the top I find a bit to rounded. It’s much more edgy … The Arai is fantastic, I hoped you could make a just as fantastic Schuberth-shape. I love that helmet



    I love that helmet

    I gues you know? But I would just love it if the helmets intake were a bit better shaped. People will look a lot on the helmet if they use the on-board TV cam, then it’s good to have a good helmet, right? 🙂

    This is just an advice 😉

  2. Look… I know it’s a bit late and it will cause a lot of reworking in shape and texturing, but I think it would make up for it in the end? I don’t really expect you to do it, but I think it would make the whole picture a bit better, you know?

    I’ve pointed it out on rFC too though. I’m a huge fan of CTDP and I’ve seen the quality of your work since the F1 2003 mod for F1 Challenge and the 95 mod for F1 2002 and I’ve always prefered you guys towards for example RH. You guys’ work is always on a new level. I can’t wait till the mod is finished 🙂 Greetings from Bjørn, Denmark

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